
Toreadoři v koridě, horko a sváteční šaty, paella, sangria, divoké tance flamenco v rytmu kastanět…
Rohozná „Na Kuši“ 10. – 23. 7. 2021 / II. běh vede Milan „Prdík“ Tvrdík

Španělská města podle názvu a jejich kapitáni:

Marbella – Marcel, Natka, Adam
Toledo – Ondra, Markét, Anička
León – Tomáš, Valerie, Kryštof
Arona – Jiřinka, Filip, Šimon, Amálka
Ibiza – ???
Atecca – ???

(zdroj: Macíny táborový deník)

This week, I’ve been surrounded by nature. I had the opportunity to join a summer camp which takes place every year in Rohozna.

This year, the topic of the camp was Spain. Children have lived two intense weeks related to customs and history of the country.

In fact, the camp lasts two weeks but I could participate in the last one, helping and sharing activities like: dancing, playing forest games, sleeping in the nature, singing around the fire, making dinner, decorating T-shirts…etc.

In short, it has been a week full of new faces, eager to communicate and give me the best welcome. Even if sometimes the language could be a problem. But honestly, It’s been a fantastic week where 100 of people have shared the same place with unique experiences, feeling in a family.

I am grateful to have been able to meet this place and these lovely people.

ESC volunteer from Spain


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