výtvarné umělkyně, Nicole – grafička, typografka, básnířka a scénografka, Charlotte – malířka, kreslířka. Obě z francouzské Remeše v regionu Grand Est, partnerského Kraje Vysočina, poprvé v ČR na pozvání a místního grafika Jana Vičara. S dětmi vedly umělecký workshop malování a tisk typografických kompozic. Výsledky společného tvoření byly součástí výstavy „Charivari“ v Hasičském domě, galerii Města Telče, kde obě dámy pobývaly na umělecké rezidenci.
2019 Velká francouzská revoluce
Pozdravy z Francie 30.10.2019:
Dear Matej,
We hope you are doing great and that your whole family is in super fit! Here are some news from France: Nicole has found a new studio, with a beautiful light and space, she is preparing a new exhibition in November, in a place called le Cellier, and giving a lot of courses at the same time.From my side, I’ve just finished a mural painting with kids in an elementary school, and I’m now working on illustrations for kids, before to give again art courses to elementary kids.We’ve written a report about our residency in Telc, we have tried to translate it in Czech and english.As we are talking about you in this report, we would love to share it with you in the attached case (in low definition), and to thank you again for everything you did for us. It ‚s an extraordinary feeling when you feel welcomed like friends in a foreigner country. We really appreciate your sense of hospitality, your kindness, your generosity and the friendship of all your team and family. It’s awesome memories. We really loved the spirit, the camp, the education, the transmission, the energy and music concerts so much. Thank you from all our heart.
Take care of you and big kisses to your whole family, parents and friends,
Nicole and Charlotte